Posted by: rogermitchell | May 1, 2024

Expanding imagination!

There is nothing necessary about contemporary political structures. They exist because someone has imagined them. This takes a bit of grasping, or at least it used to. But now that the accepted certainties of the infrastructure, rights and democratic futures of the West are unravelling more people are coming to realise there is nothing certain about them. More than ever, this is a time to re-imagine what might be the way to become more human, more fully integrated with each other and the cosmos we inhabit. This is what those of us engaged in kenarchy and allied ways of applying the politics of love are up to. The Kenarchy Journal is now on Volume 6 and provides a plethora of wonderful articles and reviews And although it takes time we are making progress. This month Mike Love will submit his PhD on seeing like a city, which applies a kenarchic lens, and Julie Tomlin has begun hers investigating and re-enchanting the past and present commons in a way that offers a re-imagination of a loving society from the underside. Both of these activist thinkers have crucial insights to help us in our task. Two recently published books give us new tools for our re-imaginary task; Andy Knox’s Sick Society and my novel The Day of the Labyrinth. Andy’s book is fantastic and has sold out in hardback but is about to be reprinted as a paperback. Don’t miss it!!

One of my main and unapologetic purposes in this blog is to ask for your help in positioning and promoting my novel The Day of the Labyrinth in the remaining 8 months of its first year of publication. Some of you engaged with the pre-publication phase for which I am very grateful. We have sold hundreds of copies and published some twenty or so great reviews. However, what we are attempting is to open a whole new genre for re-imagination by exploring what might have been and unloosing past missed potential into the present space of opportunity. Given its very positive reception so far I am emboldened to open up more imaginative space for it to penetrate this year. My aim is to sell at least a thousand copies and to publish at least 50 positive reviews. This will open up the way for the second book in the series which is already partly written. But I can’t do this without you.

Here are three things I am asking of you.

1. If you haven’t done so already, read the book. It’s a serious book so while it is fast moving it requires engagement. If you like it, set aside time and write a brief review on Amazon if you bought it there, or email it to me.

2. Help me achieve my goal of at least ten zoom events with around ten people present. I’ve already had a couple of these and know how well they go. All it needs is your willing co-operation to invite your friends and contacts to meet with me on a date of your choosing and I will send you a zoom link.

3. Partner with me in organising at least another six public launch events either stand alone or as part of an existing meeting where I can present the book to between 15 and 30 or so people. I have already had six of these and they have been ace. I will happily travel to you for this.

If you are up for any of this please email me as soon as possible at

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